I found the Deleuze article to be especially forward looking for its early 90s publication date. His assertion that codes and passwords are key for the society of control is right-on. We now have pass codes and passwords for all kinds of things. "Everywhere surfing has already replaced the older sports." Web surfing in 1992? If not, just another example of his very forward looking essay. I'm not quite sure what he means by, "Even art has left the spaces of enclosure in order to enter into
the open circuits of the bank." Art as commodity, investment? One art this has given rise to is the art of hacking and code jamming. There are now many conferences devoted to, and groups of hackers practising their art. The iPhone is a good example, they make the device to control which cellular network you can use, but you can hack the phone, or "jail break" it in order to use it on any network.
Stelarc's "Prosthetics"
While I can see that genetic engineering is a way to continue the species by redesigning and not reproduction as stelarc states, many of his ideas seem absurd and merely attention getting stunts. To think we can escape our biology seems naive. His assertion that off the earth we'd be better served by a hollow hard and dehydrated body makes me think back to the Egyptian mummies. Stelarc gives us a manifesto, but his ideas seem far from reality.
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